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[tycho-user] Attaching additional artifacts with eclipse-feature packaging


We are currently building a Eclipse RAP project with tycho.

To do that we have several plugins that are grouped as an eclipse-feature. In order to build a war for the application we added an ant step in the feature pom.xml that creates the war from the eclipse-feature result (target/site/plugins) and attach this as an artifact using build-helper-maven-plugin.

Then we need to bundle this war + the content of the documentation zip artifact into a zip file.
To create this zip file I need to create a maven module that depends on the zip and war artifact.

However it fails to resolve the dependency to the war artifact.

When executing with -X. I see a line "Could not find metadata myGroup:war.feature:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml"

And when I look in my local repository file it seems that there is no metadata file in the myGroup/war.feature/ folder.

Is it a limiation of the feature packaging that prevents me from attaching artifacts? How can I achieve a similar goal?

Here are the extracts from the pom files

pom.xml for feature looks something like this.
<project xsi:schemaLocation=""
    xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
                            <target >
                                ... build war file ...

pom.xml of the project building the final zip
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

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