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Re: [tycho-user] Problem about installMode="root"

I cannot reproduce the problem with a freshly unpacked 20140925-1800.
My steps are as follows:
1. Create 'test.product' product configuration
2. Configure it to use features
3. Add any available feature under dependencies tab and save
4. Open file with text editor and add an installMode="root" to the feature and save
5. Open file again with product configuration editor
6. Change version of existing feature (remove it), add another feature and save.
Examining text content shows that installMode attribute is retained.

2014-11-20 20:52 GMT+02:00 Aleksandar Toshovski <Aleksandar.Toshovski@xxxxxxx>:
On 20/11/14 14:49, Anton Tanasenko wrote:
Support of installMode means that product definition editor will retain it on consequent edits. Previously it removed them completely on save.

Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers, Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1), Build id: 20140925-1800 still deletes the installMode when I change the feature, but Bug 429902 states, that it is resolved.

There is no UI for adding this attribute since this is a tycho specific feature.

Features installed without this attribute become a hard dependency of the root product feature.

2014-11-20 15:41 GMT+02:00 lijiang <river607@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
hello eveyone,

we have built our Product with Tycho 0.20.0 , but met a problem by updating the sub features. There are many issues about it in internet.  We have also resolved this problem by manually inserting ' installMode="root" ' into the product definition. But I have still two questions:

Question 1:
Which eclipse version supports the 'installMode' directly in product definition editor? We won't edit the file manually everytimes.
Google says from Luna M7. But we use the newest Luna SR1 (Build id: 20140925-1800) and it seems not to be supported. Do you know any solutions?

Question 2:
We have released some old version products. They were built without ' installMode="root" '. How can they support the updating of sub features? Can we configure the 'installMode' anywhere within the product? Or any other solutions?

best regards


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Aleksandar Toshovski
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