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Re: [tycho-user] Warning messages when starting tests

I think the error is not the one related to Log4J but about conflicting plugins. Looks like your using a target file using a local P2 repo


On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 6:07 PM, Andreas Sewe <andreas.sewe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Lutz,

> When running tycho-surefire tests as part of my product build I get
> warning messages like the one shown below and I'd like to fix whatever
> is wrong to get rid of the warning. I have little experience with maven
> so I don't know what causes the warnings. Any hints how to fix this?
> Thanks!
> [INFO] Command line:
> [/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/bin/java, -Dosgi.noShutdown=false,
> -Dosgi.os=linux <http://Dosgi.os=linux>,
> <>, -Dosgi.arch=x86, -Dosgi.clean=true, -jar,
> /home/jenkins/Osate2-nightly/workspace/.repository/p2/osgi/bundle/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher/1.3.0.v20140415-2008/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher-1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar,
> -data,
> /home/jenkins/Osate2-nightly/workspace/osate2-core/org.osate.core.tests/target/work/data,
> -install,
> /home/jenkins/Osate2-nightly/workspace/osate2-core/org.osate.core.tests/target/work,
> -configuration,
> /home/jenkins/Osate2-nightly/workspace/osate2-core/org.osate.core.tests/target/work/configuration,
> -application, org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.headlesstest,
> -testproperties,
> /home/jenkins/Osate2-nightly/workspace/osate2-core/org.osate.core.tests/target/]
> log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
> (org.eclipse.xtext.ui.internal.Activator
> <http://org.eclipse.xtext.ui.internal.Activator>).
> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

This warning has nothing to do with Tycho or Maven. Instead, it is
caused by the org.eclipse.xtext.ui.internal.Activator causing Log4J to
be initialized which in turn complains that you didn't set up your
logging configuration.

Now, a quick Internet search indicates yields [1], which indicates that
you could get rid of this message by explicitly requesting the
org.eclipse.xtext.logging fragment to be part of the surefire run. Have
a look at [2] for information on how to add extra
features/bundles/fragments to the runtime during test execution.

Hope this helps.



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