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Re: [tycho-user] Support for non-standard Manifest location?

No, Tycho still requires OSGi bundle manifest to be locating in

Out of curiosity, can you explain tools involved in development of such
webapps? I assume all webapps' dependencies are available from P2
repositories, how are these repositories get populated?


On 2/17/2014, 10:23, Stephen Rowles wrote:
Hi all,

I have some web application bundles, which are valid OSGi bundles but
have their META-INF/MANIFEST.MF is not under the bundle root they are
within a top level folder of BundleContent, so

I found this old tycho bug:

However that was back in 2010, there are lots more OSGi based web
application servers now, so I was wondering if this has moved on and
been dealt with? I've done LOTS of googling but cannot find any way of
telling tycho how to use a custom location for the manifest. This is a
shame as it's the last step in the chain to making these work.

Any suggestions?


*Stephen Rowles*

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