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[tycho-user] how to get eclipse repos fixed?


I have a build using the tycho plugin to pull down p2 content from and it appears that:

is missing from that repository, but there are still references to it in content.xml:

<unit id="" singleton="false" version="1.0.300.v20130830-1837"> <update id="" range="[0.0.0,1.0.300.v20130830-1837)" severity="0" />
      <properties size="9">
        <property name="df_LT.bundleVendor" value="" />
        <property name="df_LT.bundleName" value="PDE UA UI Source" />
        <property name="" value="%bundleName" />
<property name="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.provider" value="%bundleVendor" /> <property name="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.bundle.localization" value="OSGI-INF/l10n/bundle-src" />
        <property name="maven-groupId" value="org.eclipse.pde" />
        <property name="maven-artifactId" value="" />
        <property name="maven-version" value="1.0.300-SNAPSHOT" />
        <property name="maven-classifier" value="sources" />
      <provides size="4">
<provided name="" version="1.0.300.v20130830-1837" namespace="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu" /> <provided name="" version="1.0.300.v20130830-1837" namespace="osgi.bundle" /> <provided name="source" version="1.0.0" namespace="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.eclipse.type" /> <provided name="df_LT" version="1.0.0" namespace="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.localization" />
      <artifacts size="1">
<artifact id="" classifier="osgi.bundle" version="1.0.300.v20130830-1837" />
      <touchpoint id="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.osgi" version="1.0.0" />
      <touchpointData size="1">
        <instructions size="1">
<instruction key="manifest">Bundle-SymbolicName:
Bundle-Version: 1.0.300.v20130830-1837</instruction>

Maven throws an error because it can't download the artifact (from nexus in this case):

[ERROR] Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException:
"Messages while reading artifacts from child repositories":
["Messages while reading artifacts from child repositories":
["Problems while reading artifacts from http://localhost:8080/nexus/content/repositories/eclipse-4.4-I-builds": ["HTTP Server 'Internal Error': http://localhost:8080/nexus/content/repositories/eclipse-4.4-I-builds/plugins/";], "Problems while reading artifacts from http://localhost:8080/nexus/content/repositories/eclipse_release_staging": ["HTTP Server 'Internal Error': http://localhost:8080/nexus/content/repositories/eclipse_release_staging/plugins/";],
"Messages while reading artifacts from child repositories":
["Problems while reading artifacts from http://localhost:8080/nexus/content/repositories/eclipse_release_staging": ["HTTP Server 'Internal Error': http://localhost:8080/nexus/content/repositories/eclipse_release_staging/plugins/";]]]] -> [Help 1]


We have these problems periodically and generally the solution has been to try to route around the offending repository, but that is not always possible.

How do I verify that the artifact is truly missing from the external p2 repository?

Are there programs run against these repositories that periodically scan for missing artifacts and repair the metadata?

How do we file a "bug" against the offending provider ( in this case)?

Is there any way to get tycho to "forgive" certain errors in transitive dependencies?

I'm very interested in how others debug and correct this type of problems.

I did find a nice tool that Igor Fedorenko wrote, that I found helpful in validating p2 site url's, but it doesn't do any consistency checks on the remote p2 repository.

thanks in advance,


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