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Re: [tycho-user] Any experience with automatically including license files in a Tycho-based build?

Hi Jan,

> not sure if this is what you are asking for, but tycho has support for PDE license features

yes, I know. License features are great if you are developing, say,
developing an Eclipse plugin and the question of "How and when to
present the user with the third-party licenses" is answered by Eclipse.

However, if you are developing a stand-alone, non-GUI eclipse-product,
you have to have some kind of NOTICE.txt, THIRD_PARTY.txt, or similar
lying around in the product archive, which lists all included bundles
(or features) and their respective license. Now, for plain Maven
projects the license-maven-plugin does a fair job at this (despite its
sometimes confusing documentation), but it gets confused by Tycho's
OSGi-to-Maven mapping.

Hope this clarifies things.

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