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Re: [tycho-user] Integration and swtbot test against application repo

Hello, i think i'll have to provide a minimal example, because i am aware of the things you mentioned and i think i performed all necessary steps.

Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx> schrieb:
It does not seem to be related to SWTBot, but rather to how you deal with dependency management with Tycho.

In order to build or test, Tycho has the concept of target-platform [1]. Those target-platform define what will be available while trying to resolve dependencies for build and test. If you have failure because of a missing dependency (let's call it X), it means that your target platform does not contain X. So you should add to your target-platform a way to resolve X: either add a <repository> that contains X to your pom, or -better- add the repository containing X with a reference to X in a .target file that you'll use as Target-Platform.
You must make sure the target-platform for your test contains SWTBot bundles by referencing the SWTBot sites (or any other site containing SWTBot stuff)

As for your specific use-case, it seems that you add a dependency to the output of an eclipse-repository in pom.xml. That will probably fail because Tycho resolves dependencies before anything gets actually built [2], so the URL to your eclipse-repository probably points to something empty when trying to resolve dependencies.
Everything you reference in your target-platform must exist before you run your build.


Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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