Hi everyone,
I'm trying to build an Eclipse p2 repository containing a feature
consisting of two plug-ins. There is no product involved -- the feature
provides functionality that is supposed to enhance existing products,
but that is not a product in itself.
My problem is that the feature depends on another feature which will not
be part of the same repository, but of another repository. Back in the
old days, we just added the repository to an associateSites.xml file.
With the packaging type set to eclipse-repository, however,
associateSites.xml doesn't seem to be supported anymore, as described in
this thread:
To be sure, I cloned the Tycho git repository and searched the source
tree for lines containing the string "associateSites". The only hits I
got seemed to be in the implementation of the eclipse-update-site
packaging type. And in fact, this works when I change the packaging type
back to eclipse-update-site; however, I would consider this to be a
workaround rather than a good solution.
Having said all this, my question is if there is another way to add
associate sites to a repository created using the eclipse-repository
packaging type (without adding a product definition)?
For reference, I've included the relevant parts of the the files my
repository project consists of below. I hope all relevant parts are
included, but feel free to ask for the complete files if you feel that I
have missed anything important.
Christoph Daniel
First, part of my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project [...]>
<name>My Repository Project Name</name>
Now for category.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<site associateSitesURL="associateSites.xml">
<description [...]>
My update site contains stuff.
<feature [...]>
<category [...]/>
<category-def [...]>
And finally associateSites.xml:
url="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://rtsys.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~kieler/updatesite/">"http://rtsys.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~kieler/updatesite/" />