I'm working on a project with a similar layout than itp02:
- some third party dependencies are regular Maven/JAR with correct OSGI informations added to the MANIFEST. These dependencies are available in my local Maven repository
- I work on an eclipse-plugin (MANIFEST first) with nothing in the pom but Maven dependencies on JARs (and tycho declaration
of course)
My concern is that I don't find a way to work in Eclipse without the requirement to have all third party projects opened in Eclipse. You can easily reproduce my issue with:
git clone git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/tycho/org.eclipse.tycho-demo.git
cd itp02
mvn clean install
Then in Eclipse (with m2e and Tycho connector) you can import the whole itp02 projects and everything will be ok. tycho.demo.itp02.bundle have a workspace "Plug-in Dependencies" referencing pomfirst-bundle.
But as soon as you close
pomfirst-bundle project, the build is red. I was expecting tycho.demo.itp02.bundle to be updated to have a dependency on pomfirst-bundle.jar that is installed in my local Maven repository.
In order to be able to work I am currently forced to create a "wrapper" bundle that will contains all my third party deps (like the pomfirst-thirdparty demo). But in this case I think I have to declare all OSGI informations again in the maven-bundle-plugin configuration and I don't see the interest of having
declared a correct MANIFEST in my third party deps.
In other words, what is the simplest way to use Maven JAR like [1] that declare correct OSGI metadata without having to wrap it in a bundle?