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Re: [tycho-user] Tycho-Surefire guessing the Test Framework

If it is not a test bundle, why do you keep the eclipse-test-plugin packaging ?
I suspect Tycho/Maven is trying to find some test classes and does not find them so the error.


On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Hervé Esteguet <hesteguet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

One of my bundles, which is not a test bundle, has '.tests' as suffix.
So tycho-pomgenerator assign to that bundle, the 'eclipse-test-plugin' packaging.
When i try to run tests i got the following error:

[Could not determine test framework used by test bundle MavenProject: XXX.XXX.XXX.util.tests:0.2.0-SNAPSHOT]

I try to set the option failIfNoTests to false, but i still got the same error.

By overlooking the code of TestMojo from tycho 0.14.x sources, i discovered that tycho try to guess the test framework to use by searching JUnit declaration into the bundle classpath and failed if it doesn't find one.

I think that tycho should not failed when it could not guess the test framework if the option failIfNotTests is set to false.

Is anyone as already encountered this issue ?

Thanks in advance, for your answers.
Best regards.
tycho-user mailing list


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