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Re: [tycho-user] ignoring .svn folders in root folders
Thanks Eric,
But, the thing is, it is not me checking out the source code when I'm building p2 repos from source, it's rather Hudson/Jenkins , and it seems that they do not have the option "use export instead of checkout" for the svn plugin.[1] [2] [3] ( and it seems that it's gonna happen since it would partially break the "what's the last time I checked out" functionality.
Sure, it's not a problem caused by tycho nor p2; but solving this problem at their level (for example with the AbstractScanner [4] ) would not do any harm (I think)
The workaround Alex mentioned is still valid, but the harmony of an mvn clean install should not be tampered (with removeSvnFolders.sh && mvn clean install) for a small issue like this :-/
Eric, Alex, do you still think it is not (worth) a bug ?
[1] http://jenkins.361315.n4.nabble.com/svn-export-instead-of-svn-checkout-td2132058.html
[2] http://issues.hudson-ci.org/browse/HUDSON-1304
[3] https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-1304
[4] https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/TYCHO-238
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De : tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Eric Jain
Envoyé : 24 octobre 2011 17:28
À : Tycho user list
Objet : Re: [tycho-user] ignoring .svn folders in root folders
On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 13:25, Dahanne, Anthony
<Anthony.Dahanne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So you check out your source code, rm -Rf */.svn and then mvn install ?
In that case you might as well do an svn export instead of a checkout...
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