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Re: [tycho-user] How to know why some bundle is being selected by tycho?

I think the question was "why tycho selects certain bundles" and
feature->plugin dependency is just one possible answer to that question.
Some time ago I put together a quick-and-dirty tool [1] that shows both
dirty dependency tree and resolved dependencies of an IU and lets you
see all dependency paths that lead to IUs in the resolved set (similarly
to m2e Dependency Hierarchy, basically). This should give more insight
into "why" p2 selects IUs for installation.



On 11-08-19 11:11 AM, Brian de Alwis wrote:
On 2-Aug-2011, at 7:37 AM, Cristiano Gavião wrote:
I have a build where Tycho is selecting and including in the p2
repository some bundles (now that I'm using Indigo repo) that was
not expected (org.eclipse.jubula.toolkit.common,, org.eclipse.jubula.communication)...

Is there anyway to know which packages is being used by tycho to
resolve to a specified bundle?

The following p2 query will find the feature(s) that include a
particular bundle:

$ eclipse -console -noSplash -noExit -vmargs
-Declipse.application.launchDefault=false osgi>  provaddrepo osgi>
provlpquery * "select(parent |[''] == true&&
parent.requirements.exists(rc | everything.exists(iu | iu ~= rc&& == 'BUNDLEID')))" true

(Credit due entirely to Paul Webster.)


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