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Re: [tycho-dev] GitHub Sponsors

Okay, I have hooped it would be more easy (e.g. just opt-in somwhere and then people can start give money for more excutors), but your ide seems reasonable, I will create a sponsor page for my tycho activities right now!

But it seems its not that easy for an individual to spnsor additional resources and requires an "Eclipse Membership"

Am 09.04.21 um 11:08 schrieb Mickael Istria:

On Fri, Apr 9, 2021 at 10:58 AM Christoph Läubrich <laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Now we have moved to github it might be an option to enable Github
    sponsors? We could use the money for example to buy more
    build-executors, the build is currently stuck because of all executors
    are busy :-\

Sorry, but I think we should really stay away of the project having to deal with money flow. It's going to add a lot of work, a lot of friction, and will require complex discussions with Eclipse Foundation about who does the accounting and so on. I'd rather see interested contributors enable and promote GitHub sponsors for themselves. Having people getting some ROI for their contributions is IMO infinitely more important, easy and scalable than a project holding a treasure. Then those contributors can discuss with other individuals or organizations the possibility to pay a share of extra executors for the project if it makes sense to them; but that's something people can already do.

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