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Re: [tycho-dev] tycho-0.24 - Local Cache .cache/tycho/ Folder in Maven Cache


> I have a question concerning the location of the tycho cache which is by
> default located in $HOME/.m2/repository/.cache/tycho/.....
> The question is: Does there exist a property or something similar so I
> can change the location of it to another folder?
> The background is that I'm working on a larger build which runs partial
> tycho builds in parallel (I don't mean mvn -T 3...; In Jenkins running
> serveral parts parallel) which results in crashes based on parallel
> access to bundle resources like jars etc.

this is just a *workaround*, but can't you use Jenkin's "private
repository" option for Maven builds? This would give each build a
distinct .m2/repository directory below the job's workspace; I would
assume this implies a separate .m2/repository/.cache/tycho, too.

Hope this helps.


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