Dear all,
I have detected a problem on Tycho that is linked to the hard coded clean phase.
In novembre 2015, I have written on it when I detected it when executing a “mvn site” [1]. This command raises an error since a clean was called by Tycho.
Jan Sievers sent me a link on the hard coded clean phase in Tycho [2].
Now we have exactly the same problem when trying to activate a profile on quality with sonar in official Papyrus-rt project [3]
The error is
[ERROR] Missing requirement: org.eclipse.papyrusrt.profile.p2 raw:0.7.2.'SNAPSHOT'/format(n[.n=0;[.n=0;[-S]]]):0.7.2-SNAPSHOT requires ' [0.7.2,0.7.3)' but it could not be found
A few lines up we can see
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.6:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.papyrusrt.profile.p2 ---
[INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.papyrus-rt/papyrus-rt-quality/workspace/source/releng/profile/site/target
Would it be possible to remove this hard coded clean phase in Tycho ?
If people wants to clean, they use mvn clean?
For the version 0.25.0?
Thank for your comments