Hi All.
I read tycho helloworld documentation and write my own resolver. I run maven as embedded library. This way allow to download P2 bundles to .m2 directory :-)
The problem is I don't want to download dependency. I want to know dependency URL!?? Huh!
I resolve P2 dependency with the following simple function (I like Scala, but this is not significant):
def resolve2(maven: Maven, log: Logger) {
val equinox = maven.lookup(classOf[EquinoxServiceFactory])
val resolverFactory = equinox.getService(classOf[P2ResolverFactory])
val targetPlatformBuilder = resolverFactory.createTargetPlatformBuilder(
new ExecutionEnvironmentConfigurationStub("JavaSE-1.6"))
targetPlatformBuilder.addP2Repository(new MavenRepositoryLocation("test", new URL("http://eclipse.ialto.com/eclipse/updates/4.2/R-4.2.1-201209141800/").toURI))
val targetPlatform = targetPlatformBuilder.buildTargetPlatform()
val resolver = resolverFactory.createResolver(new MavenLoggerAdapter(maven.plexus.getLogger, true))
val result = resolver.resolveDependencies(targetPlatform, null)
System.err.println("!!!" + result)
There is a lot of components involved in the process. So, I need a little hint that point me to the right direction. What is class (or package) responsible for a dependency URL resolution/collection?