Hey gang, I just joined this list. Since we rely pretty heavily on Tycho, I need to get more involved.
I'm trying to build our IDE as a Mac bundle and am having trouble. Is it properly supported in 0.16? I'm following Pascal's instructions here but am guessing at the details:
And I'm using eclipserun to call the director directly since I also want to build win32 and linux in the normal way.
I'm using the repository created with tycho-p2-repository-plugin in target/repository but it appears to miss the *.executable.cocoa.macosx.x86-bundled dependency. Funny though because I can
see it in the p2content.xml file in the target directory, just not in the repo.
We are doing something weird staying with 32-bit x86 if that matters.
BTW, would be great to have this better documented with examples. I can contribute that once I get it working.
For reference, here's some of my pom:
-application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director \
-repository file://${project.build.directory}/repository \
-installIU com.qnx.tools.bbt.ide.e4 \
-destination ${project.build.directory}/products/com.qnx.tools.bbt.ide.e4/macosx/x86/Momentics.app \
-profile DefaultProfile \
-p2.os macosx \
-p2.ws cocoa \
-p2.arch x86 \