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[tycho-dev] tycho-p2-runtime does not consider p2 meta requirements BZ 351487

Hello all,
This discussion is to talk about bz 351487 [1]

- Here is my use case :
I am creating custom p2 touchpoint actions, to  add migration steps on a product build.

- Here is the problem :
tycho-p2-runtime is built in a way that it is not updatable by p2, since it does not have a profile nor the simple configurator activated.
So when I'm building a product relying on a plugin that needs a custom touchpoint action to get executed, then my build fails because tycho-p2-runtime was not aware of this custom touchpoint action
You can reproduce this situation cloning this repo : [2]

- Suggested solution 1: create maven plugin to extend the tycho-p2-runtime
Igor suggested that I would create maven plugin to extend the tycho-p2-runtime; I did not succeed, but the code is available there [3] and it should be close to working (classcast exception on the reactorProject class...)
But I think this solution is not optimal : it makes the developer creates a new maven plugin each time they rely on a custom touchpoint action (additionnal work) and it does not reflect the mechanism of the p2 meta requirements that are here to enrich the builder runtime (tycho-p2-runtime)

- Suggested solution 2: modify the tycho-p2-runtime so that it is p2 updatable
The patch is provided on the BZ, along with its integration tests; in a nutshell it changes the packaging of tycho-p2-runtime from eclipse-application to eclipse-repository and enables the simple configurator.
Thanks to this, the tycho-p2-runtime can enrich itself with custom touchpoint actions and execute them.
To make sure that from a build to another tycho-p2-runtime stays clean, it is deleted and re unzipped each time we notice its content has changed
The integration test provided covers all those aspects.

I thank you very much in advance to consider this patch, p2 custom touchpoint actions are a great way to execute migrations and to set up special environment.[4]

Best regards,


Anthony Dahanne
Développeur logiciel / Software Developer
Compuware Montreal
75 Rue Queen, Suite 6500
Montreal, QC, Canada H3C 2N6

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