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[tptp-news] Eclipse TPTP Java Profiler Summit

What: Eclipse TPTP Java Profiler Summit

When: June 14-16, 2006

Where: Portland, Oregon

Who Should Attend: Tool builders and Consumers (current or potential future adopters)


Eclipse TPTP Java Profiler Project will hold a technology summit during June 14-16, 2006 in Portland, Oregon. It will be a face-to-face only event and will be attended by committers and developers working on Java profiler and run-time analysis tools. It will be a good opportunity to participate in the various exciting and new capabilities we are developing (see below for list of these), learn internals and resources available for adopters or extenders, and getting involved.


Eclipse TPTP provides an out-of-the-box tool for tracing and profiling Java applications and is useful in measuring and understating performance of Java applications. The current version of the tools is based on the JVMPI standard. The JVMPI standard has been deprecated and is replaced by JVMTI standard starting in Java 1.5. We within the TPTP project are working on supporting JVMTI standard and taking this as an opportunity to add some major new capabilities (for example, low-overhead collection using byte-code instrumentation mechanism, aggregation, and new user interface). The tool supports profiling of server-side and stand alone Java applications.


Numerous new capabilities are planned to be introduced in the JVMTI based Java profilers, the most notable capabilities are

·        Low Overhead Profiler

·        Memory Profiler

·        Thread Profiler

·        Basic JVM monitoring

·        Integrated Eclipse workbench based profiling and Remote profiling

·        Extensive Platform coverage

·        Code fragment analysis

·        Large scale profiling of java applications


You will find additional information and preliminary agenda at and also the material generated during the summit, and post-summit documentation.


Please RSVP me by May 12, 2006 if you plan to attend and feel free to contact me if you need additional information.




Intel Corporation



Additional information:

TPTP Java 1.5 based profiling

Technology Preview TPTP 4.2 (June 2006)

General Availability TPTP 4.3 (~ November 2006)

TPTP Enhancement

TPTP Java Profiler JDK support

As users migrate from Java 1.4 to Java 1.5 (and beyond), TPTP will support profiling and run-time analysis of both Java 1.4 and Java 1.5 based applications. This support will continue until Java 1.4 is de-supported.

Useful links

Java 1.6 features (Mustang release - Available Fall'06)


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