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[tools-pmc] Reminder to vote on the Project Lead Election for Arnaud Fiorini on Eclipse Trace Compass Incubator

Voting will close tomorrow for the Project Lead election of Arnaud Fiorini on
project Eclipse Trace Compass Incubator (tools.tracecompass.incubator).


Arnaud Fiorini is a longtime contributor to trace compass and the incubator.
The Eclipse Trace Compass Incubator team and has already made an impact on
the project.

They have addressed the following patches:
        Add a 'forgotten' tid assignment in the getThreadId for the STRING 
        callstack: Add instanceof check before casting model
        callstack: Support many analysis module instead of taking the first 
        callstack: Add DataProviderDescriptors for the FlameChart
        traceevent: support opening traces with empty events
        rocm: Adds the support for ROCm trace type using CTF
        trace-server: Add a serializer for ITimeGraphArrows
        rocm: Update to the ROCm plugin to support the latest traces
        flamechart: solve data provider resolve issue
        rocm: Add copyright header to
        otf2: Add location group attribute support
        server: Modify putTrace to support empty name
        kernel: remove deprecated critical path
        rocm: Rename analysis to keep compatibility before deleting
        kernel: Add FileAccessDataProvider tests
        scripting: remove dependency on incubator callstack
        traceevent: remove dependency on incubator callstack
        uftrace: remove dependency on incubator callstack
        inandout: remove dependency on incubator callstack
        otf2: remove dependency on incubator callstack
        perf:  remove dependency on incubator callstack
        kernel: remove dependency on incubator callstack
        vm: remove dependency on incubator callstack
        trace-server: remove incubator callstack and analysis
        tracecompass: remove incubator callstack and analysis
        analysis: remove dependency to deprecated classes
        xml-analysis: remove reference to nashorn
        callstack: remove xml analysis
        callstack: deprecate all classes that were moved to core

However, this is the tip of the iceberg. He contributed significant
functionalities to trace compass and tracing in general. Working on ROCm
Trace support
OTF 2 Trace Support
as he mentored Yoann and improving the flamechart in general. He is the first
one to review external student contributions, and leads a team bringing great
features from research into the industry.

Finally, he's a pleasure to work with and I trust him on the soft skills side
of the project too.

It is my pleasure to nominate Arnaud as a co-lead on Eclipse Trace Compass
Incubator. Arnaud, let's keep innovating!

Eclipse Trace Compass Incubator project committers can click the election
link below to vote.



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