Dear PMC Members,
We were just notified that according to the updates to the Eclipse Development Process in December 2018, a release review is required only once per year.
Which for Eclipse Titan already happened for the last release, this february.
The IP was also tracked, and our IP Log was already approved.
For these reasons we wish to proceed with the release, without further delay.
Best Regards
Kristof Szabados
From: Kristóf Szabados
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 15:00
To: tools-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: PMC Approval for Eclipse Titan 7.1.0
Dear PMC Members,
We'd like to ask your approval for the Eclipse Titan release of version 7.1.0, which contains some major new features, 2 backward incompatible changes and several bugfixes.
The project's IP Log has been submitted and approved, see CQ 22252
The release review can be found at:
Thank you in advance
Kristof Szabados
Kristof Szabados
Magyar tudósok körútja 11.
1117 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: +36 30 324 2016
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