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[tools-pmc] Fwd: EMO(ED) Approval required for Project Lead election for Eriawan Kusumawardhono on Eclipse aCute - C# and .NET Core development tools in Eclipse IDE

Greetings PMC, 

The project lead election for Eriawan has been approved! Congratulations on your appointment Eriawan!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <emo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 7:59 AM
Subject: EMO(ED) Approval required for Project Lead election for Eriawan Kusumawardhono on Eclipse aCute - C# and .NET Core development tools in Eclipse IDE
To: Eclipse Management Organization <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>

The project lead election for Eriawan Kusumawardhono on project Eclipse aCute
- C# and .NET Core development tools in Eclipse IDE (tools.acute) has been
approved by the PMC.

EMO(ED) approval is required.



The Eclipse Management Organization
Eclipse Foundation

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