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[tools-pmc] Reminder to vote on Committer Election for Andrew Bowley on Eclipse Andmore

Voting will close tomorrow for the committer election of Andrew Bowley on
project Eclipse Andmore (tools.andmore).


I'd like to nominate Andrew Bowley for to become a Andmore eclipse committer.
   Andrew has taken on the task of  upgrading Andmore to the latest Android
SDK and the numerous complications that brings.   He has been active in the
andmore mailing list, and by bringing him on to the project in a committer
status it will give him more flexibility in doing what needs to be done to
stablize the project to work with the new tools.   The existing committers
can continue to act as mentors around the eclipse development processes and
release processes, but Andrew has shown a passion in wanting to make Andmore
work, so I feel that passion should be rewarded.

I've talked with Andrew and he would like to become a committer as it is a
way for him to give back to Eclipse.

Eclipse Andmore project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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