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Re: [tools-pmc] PMC Approval Requested for Linux Tools 6.0.0 for Oxygen (proper links)


Thanks. Looks like great work as usual.

On 05/26/2017 12:41 PM, Jeff Johnston wrote:

I am looking for approval for the 6.0.0 major release of Linux Tools
intended for Eclipse Oxygen.0.

The major release updates the level of docker-client to 6.1.1 from 3.4.0 and makes some API changes to the Docker Tooling plug-ins.  In addition, changes have been made to the legacy Linux Tools plug-ins such as: addition of p2 touchpoints to check for installation of required tools, removal of deprecated Opcontrol support from the OProfile plug-in, switching a number of custom editors to use the generic editor, and bug fixes.

The ipLog has already been approved.  The release review plan can be found at:

and the N&N can be found at:


-- Jeff

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