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[tools-pmc] Approval of review documentation for GEF 3.10.1 (Mars SR1) release

Dear PMC,

please approve the release review documentation for the GEF 3.10.1 (MARS SR1) release, which is planned to coincide with Mars.1. The review documentation can be found at, the approved IP log is attached.

I have to point out two things:

1) While the release has been named 3.10.1 (corresponding to the highest included feature version) to indicate that the production components Draw2d 3.10.1, GEF (MVC) 3.10.1, and Zest 1.6.1 have all been included in service revisions only, the release will include the GEF4 components in version 0.2.0 (compared to the 0.1.0 Mars version) and thus is designated as a minor release.

2) Even if the included 0.2.0 version of the GEF4 components implies compatibility towards the 0.1.0 Mars release version, as indicated in the review information and the new and noteworthy documentation ( some GEF4 components include incompatible changes in their provisional API. As all GEF4 0.1.0 components specified their dependencies to others as [0.1.0, 0.2.0), including the 0.2.0 version in the Mars.1 simultaneous release update site would be no problem from our own project scope (nothing would break there). However, if clients have specified less strict version constraints or no version constraints at all, they might get broken if updating against the Mars.1 simultaneous release update site if we include GEF4 0.2.0 there. If this concern is shared (David, please comment), I would opt to publish GEF4 0.2.0 only on our own project releases update site and leave the GEF 0.1.0 contribution to be part of the Mars.1 simultaneous release instead (while I would of course include the 3.10.1/1.6.1 versions of Draw2d, GEF (MVC), and Zest there).

Kind Regards,

IP Log for tools.gef


  • Eclipse Public License v1.0

Third-Party Code

Pre-Req Dependencies

CQThird-Party CodeLicenseUse
7337Google Guice / Inject Core API Version: 3.0.0 (PB Orbit CQ6118)Apache License, 2.0unmodified source & binary
7338ANTLR Runtime only: Version: 3.2 (PB Orbit CQ4865)New BSD licenseunmodified source & binary
9393Google Guava Version: 15.0.0 (PB Orbit CQ7768)Apache License 2.0unmodified source & binary
9395guice-multibindings Version: 3.0.0 (PB Orbit CQ6120)Apache License, 2.0unmodified source & binary
9396atinject (Package javax.inject) Version: 1.0 (PB Orbit CQ3578)Apache License, 2.0unmodified source & binary
9398log4j Version: 1.2.15 (Subset - see all comments CQ2555) (PB Orbit CQ3560)Apache License 2.0unmodified source & binary
9438Apache Commons Logging Jar Version: 1.1.1 (PB Orbit CQ1907)Apache License, 2.0unmodified source & binary
9609Guava Version: 12.0 (PB Orbit CQ6787)Apache License, 2.0unmodified binary
9613Javax.annotation Version: 1.2 (PB Orbit CQ7806)Common Development and Distribution Licenseunmodified binary

Exempt Pre-Req and Works With Dependencies

No Exempt Pre-Req or Works With dependencies


Past and Present Active
Name Organization  
Nick Boldt Red Hat, Inc.
Alex Boyko IBM
Ian Bull EclipseSource (See Innoopract)
Marc Gobeil IBM
Randy Hudson IBM
Anthony Hunter IBM
Alexander Nyssen itemis AG
Cherie Revells IBM
Stephan Schwiebert
Pratik Shah IBM (not a current committer)
Steven Shaw IBM (not a current committer)
Fabian Steeg hbz
Zoltan Ujhelyi
Matthias Wienand itemis AG

Contributors and Their Contributions

Ref Size Description
336455 2539 bytes Duplicated Nodes due to copy-paste bug in GraphModelFactory and AbstractStylingModelFactory
Attachment 188418: Duplicated Nodes Test
Adam Kovacs (
174498 1587 lines [395226] Added customization options for Sugiyama algorithm
395226 179764 bytes [ZEST] Extending Sugiyama algorithm
Attachment 239556: New interfaces and some of there implementations
Alex Boyko (
146894 3710 bytes Update manager paints invalid figures
Attachment 56843: patch suitable for 3.2.2
147944 1553 bytes SPACE key causes contents editpart to become selected
Attachment 54348: patch
212280 2451 bytes org.eclipse.draw2d.RelativeBendpoint#getLocation() returns a point with a slight error
Attachment 90696: final patch
212460 16982 bytes Request for extra methods on PrecisionRectangle and a fix on PrecisionPoint
Attachment 86005: Corrected patch
224468 9707 bytes Request: Draw2D enhancements
Attachment 93877: patch
226172 1240 bytes GridLayout.layout(...) ignores border insets
Attachment 114220: proposed patch
246290 3904 bytes Ray#length() can result in integer overflow
Attachment 111844: patch
270028 1234 bytes PaletteViewer#setActiveTool(ToolEntry) may throw an NPE
Attachment 129889: proposed
Alex Shatalin (
238874 51310 bytes Create ScalablePolygonShape figure
Attachment 106060: Patch introducing required figure with unit-tests.
238874 2798 bytes Create ScalablePolygonShape figure
Attachment 116041: Patch fo rthe unit-tests
Alexander Nyßen (
245182 20163 bytes Draw2d Geometry API should support elementary calculations related to Euclidean Geometry
Attachment 158388: Fixed copyright did of newly created did not mention EPL. Fixed patch did not include test cases.
Alexander Nyßen (
195527 16349 bytes Connections outside containers
Attachment 159667: Revision of patch - Simplifications and cleanup, completion of Javadoc, application of GEF-specific formatting
303557 32518 bytes Ghost Image Feedback to enhance user experience when working with Viewports
Attachment 159855: Patch containing the ghost image feedback contribution
Asim Ullah (
71684 12488 bytes GridLayout similar to SWTs GridLayout
Attachment 53414: GridLayout files with EPL header
Benjamin Schwertfeger (
305123 7239 bytes RoundedRectangleAnchor should be available
Attachment 205580: RoundedRectangleAnchor CVS-Patch
Brian Schlosser (
267557 1272 bytes Changing the GraphViewer ContentProvider doesn't reset the model factory
Attachment 127962: Patch for GraphViewer on the R3_4_maintenance branch
267558 1912 bytes Repeated calls to applyLayout() result in unnecessary layouts of the graph
Attachment 127964: Patch for Graph widget on the R3_4_maintenance branch
Casey Marshall (
281778 1351 bytes Cannot put the ZoomContributionViewItem to a View Toolbar
Attachment 150513: Patch to fix zoom toolbar contribution.
Cherie Revells (
98565 1640 bytes hookListeners() and unhookListeners() in DirectEditManager should have protected visibility
Attachment 78758: Final patch
112692 6614 bytes PaletteStack.setChildren should refresh active entry
Attachment 85737: Patch to fix problem
112692 945 bytes PaletteStack.setChildren should refresh active entry
Attachment 85994: patch to fix NPE
113264 835 bytes Screen reader sometimes does not read shapes when switching selection with keyboard
Attachment 82576: Fix
123760 1513 bytes Palette selection in group is not registered the first time using keyboard
Attachment 43271: Proposed Patch
133385 2982 bytes palette UI look and feel changes
Attachment 89408: zip file of icons
133385 96715 bytes palette UI look and feel changes
Attachment 90466: Updated patch.
138626 1070 bytes ConcurrentModificationException in AbstractEditPartViewer.fireSelectionChanged()
Attachment 39543: Patch for AbstractEditPartViewer
143019 3955 bytes Palette Stack is not accessible because screen reader thinks its a push button
Attachment 95926: proposed solution
168582 730 bytes Support extending of ViewportAutoexposeHelper to allow scrolling outside the viewport
Attachment 56331: Updated with new comments
173693 4589 bytes Add comment to javadoc in advanced graphics methods of SWTGraphics
Attachment 59082: Removed added whitespace from patch
174085 1499 bytes Connection is deactivated after moving
Attachment 63767: Attempted fix.
178117 1094 bytes better support for truncated text in org.eclipse.draw2d.text.TextFlow
Attachment 78760: final patch
194278 41497 bytes Ability to customize FlowUtilities used by TextFlow and ParagraphTextLayout
Attachment 78759: final patch
194278 4252 bytes Ability to customize FlowUtilities used by TextFlow and ParagraphTextLayout
Attachment 79072: Updated javadoc
213359 14036 bytes Make GEF's snapping and tools extensible to allow moving shapes with arrow keys
Attachment 85579: updated patch
217320 3217 bytes Palette drawers should be able to have no icon
Attachment 88466: Patch with proposed solution.
219838 8683 bytes Inconsistent truncation between drawers and tools on palette
Attachment 90386: the patch
219838 1371 bytes Inconsistent truncation between drawers and tools on palette
Attachment 90647: SimpleTextLayout bug fix
220381 69701 bytes Pinnable Stacks and UI Changes
Attachment 94286: proposed patch
220563 10604 bytes Update UI for PaletteTemplateEntries
Attachment 92062: patch to update UI for palette templates
220563 3320 bytes Update UI for PaletteTemplateEntries
Attachment 92063: Patch that will allow you to test in a GEF logic diagram
223712 7816 bytes Bugs/regressions in the new palette
Attachment 95103: proposed patch
225162 33224 bytes Bugs with new pinnable palette stacks
Attachment 94865: Bug fixes
227541 23592 bytes Minor UI improvements to the new palette look
Attachment 96483: Removed unused imports from patch.
227844 10346 bytes [Palette] Note stack cannot be selected in the palette toolbar
Attachment 96922: Proposed Fix
229483 14385 bytes SWT Color leak originating from
Attachment 98445: Proposed fix.
Chris Lee (
120411 5464 bytes SnapToGeometry.THRESHOLD should be retrieved via accessor method
Attachment 56006: added getThreshold / setThreshold
130382 974 bytes ScaledGraphics does not copy all TextStyle properties in zoomTextLayout
Attachment 35710: patch to fix missing TextStyle params
141167 812 bytes NPE in SimpleObjectTransfer.nativeToJava on Linux
Attachment 41058: patch for the NPE - checks for null before using
233784 1276 bytes FigureCanvas scrollToX and scrollToY may cause SWTException due to disposed widget
Attachment 101843: patch for this bug
Christian Sowada (
237319 1457 bytes Text not fully displayed when using ZestStyles.NODES_HIDE_TEXT and ZestStyles.NODES_FISHEYE
Attachment 143366: A working patch
Colin Sharples (
377fff 58 lines [460754] Add Angle#getReverse() method to increase an angle by 180deg.
8d6e06 66 lines [460754] Add Line#getLength() method to compute the distance between its start and end points.
c20f13 192 lines [460754] Add Line#getDirectionCCW() and Line#getDirectionCW() methods to measure the slope of a Line.
460569 8900 bytes Comparator in Point.eliminateDuplicates() violates contract of Comparator
Attachment 251009: test case with points that cause the exception
460754 704 bytes Add getLength() method to Line
Attachment 251188: Patch for Line.getLength() method
460754 968 bytes Add getLength() method to Line
Attachment 251189: Patch for Line.getDirection method
460754 729 bytes Add getLength() method to Line
Attachment 251190: Patch for Angle.getReverse() method
460569 1076 Comparator in Point.eliminateDuplicates() violates contract of Comparator
David Sciamma (
102306 558 bytes setLineWidth in ScaledGraphics does not support the zoom factor
Attachment 24197: ScaledGraphics patch
David Williams (
93059 868 bytes toString assumes Edge for VirtualNode
Attachment 20431: minor fix, but I can't resist contributing :)
Del Myers (
162779 675 bytes NullPointerException in UpdateManager.firePainting(Rectangle)
Attachment 52951: proposed patch
Dmitry Stadnik (
131747 950 bytes Provide label alignment getter
Attachment 36253: patch with getter
Ed Willink (
99500 2593 bytes Ecore.ecore has moved
Attachment 22857: ediagram.* fixes
Elias Volanakis (
71532 50795 bytes Need a simple example of a GEF-based editor
Attachment 14063: GEF Shapes example. Initial contribution. 20040818.
Erdal Karaca (
f7da56 2 lines [366916] Initial post selection events notification
366916 864 bytes [jface] GraphViewer does not handle post selection events
Attachment 208481: Initial post selection events notification.
Erik Johnson (
227679 1225 bytes Annoying target feedback behavior of TreeContainerEditPolicy
Attachment 117930: Proposed patch
Eugene Kuleshov (
231456 1176 bytes [patch] ZoomContributionViewItem clears item selection
Attachment 99633: patch
Frank Hoellering (
240d71 4 lines [381852] Create nodes only if they aren't filtered
381852 812 bytes Zest 2 GraphViewer: Filters not working as expected
Attachment 216973: proposed patch
Gerald Rosenberg (
241767 2122 bytes ToolTipHelper should be able to be subclassed for enhanced tooltips
Attachment 126427: Patch implementing the identified changes
Gunnar Wagenknecht (
46757 795 bytes REQ_OPEN should not reselect the EditPart
Attachment 16415: Patch for SelectEditPartTracker
54250 2478 bytes SetPropertyValueCommand wrongly resets property on undo
Attachment 10226: Patch for SetPropertyValueCommand using new API
Ian Bull (
158d75 3 lines Added draw2d as a dependency on the examples.
33a1d8 4418 lines Refactored out the viewer stuff into its own bundle.
42ed4e 4 lines Do not fire changes to the layout if dynamic layout is not enabled.
6d685a 11260 lines Moved tests to examples
8ef5f7 1 lines Initialize the spring layout algorithim when you apply it
97fc11 25916 lines Initial Zest 2.0 commit
a0a024 4417 lines Added the jface bundle
c7b55c 4 lines Fixed the manifest to point to the right version of Zest.
cc5d1a 4 lines Renamed tests to examples
d451e8 4 lines Fixed the dependencies from zest.core
dc33bd 3 lines Removed an empty package.
eea63f 3 lines Don't layout if the number of nodes == 0
Istvan Rath (
4aa7c8 36 lines [419467] Added setters for SpaceTreeLayoutAlgorithm parameters
419467 1083 bytes Allow layout customization for SpaceTree
Attachment 236487: Patch for SpaceTreeLayoutAlgorithm
Jakub Jurkiewicz (
109508 3087 bytes Outline View's local toolbar contains no tooltips
Attachment 66254: Patch attachement
151561 2089 bytes SelectAll Action selects Editparts that are not selectable
Attachment 66104: Fix
James Bruck (
231950 2461 bytes NPE when using connection handles and the Palette is hidden
Attachment 100284: takes into account the tool from the palette root.
260336 1173 bytes ConnectionEndpointHandle should allow users to get at the endpoint
Attachment 121979: updated patch with just getter.
295355 1870 bytes RulerComposite is not extensible
Attachment 159256: proposed solution
James Synge (
225923 1181 bytes javadoc for FigureCanvas is lacking
Attachment 95013: Patch to
Jan Köhnlein (
56e670 424 lines [427106] Add support for multi-touch gestures.
427106 786 Forward multitouch gestures to SwtFXCanvas
Justin Dolezy (
311781 1045 bytes [cocoa, gef] Cannot clone figure when running on Cocoa
Attachment 167558: Patch for correct Mac OS X detection for correct ALT clone detection
313311 1023 bytes [cocoa, gef] CTRL key modifier for ignoring snap does not work on Cocoa
Attachment 169003: Patch for correct Mac OS X detection
313319 1073 bytes [draw2d, macosx] BidiProcessor needs validation of Carbon reference causing possible Cocoa issues
Attachment 169280: Patch for correct Mac OS X detection
Kai Schlamp (
237192 5679 bytes Investigate why setting a border on a graph node is not working
Attachment 132689: Border Patch
Ken Duck (
259325 1125 Within Zest, GraphConnection::setCurveDepth causes GraphNode fail to dispose
Krzysztof Daniel (
375843 530 bytes org.eclipse.gef.examples source feature has dependency on itself
Attachment 213450: Fix proposition
376835 785 bytes GEF isv plugin has incorrect
Attachment 214031: Fix proposition
Lars Grammel (
239737 963 bytes Connection can not be selected using setSelection
Attachment 106669: Patch that enables selection of connections using GraphViewer.setSelection
Lidija Grahek (
240752 2502 bytes DVT34: broken link in documentation
Attachment 108469: GEF Doc Link Corrections
251896 3085 bytes ShortesPathConnectionRouter needs some changes
Attachment 116114: Patch
255554 2595 bytes LineBorder should support line style
Attachment 118082: Patch
289391 1507 bytes High contrast display setting is not respected
Attachment 147133: Patch
297903 1099 bytes Increase visibility to ThumbDragger in ScrollBar
Attachment 154530: ThumbDragger increased visibility
298063 104780 bytes SWTException occurs in Figure.setForegroundColor when accessed from different threads
Attachment 154670: Patch
300101 2554 bytes Lines styles are not fully respected when printing
Attachment 156553: Patch
335609 796 bytes ToolTipHelper causing application hangs
Attachment 187773: Patch
Manuel Selva (
169401 424 bytes Polyline Tolerance
Attachment 62464: New Patch using Max(linewidth / 2, tolerance)
209830 1012 bytes NullPointerException thrown
Attachment 84150: Patch trhowing SWTException
Marc Gobeil (
168311 159092 bytes Support the new SWT Line Attributes
Attachment 117737: updated patch
249367 1114 bytes order of parameters to assert wrong in GraphicsClipping
Attachment 114026: patch to fix assert order
255140 4319 bytes junits for new line attribute support
Attachment 117738: junit test additions
260880 860 bytes add setlinedash to graphics to take float[]
Attachment 122421: patch
262797 9746 bytes The feedback figure is black and not displayed properly
Attachment 124331: patch for shape to fix xor fill/outline
263290 2656 bytes RectangleFigure not drawn properly
Attachment 127705: new new patch
266021 10237 bytes java 1.4 compile error in gef
Attachment 126612: patch to add api tooling exception
267249 1116 bytes NPE's from Shape's line dash methods
Attachment 127689: fix
267397 4185 bytes Ellipse not drawn properly
Attachment 130612: fix
267728 52608 bytes Style alignment of ScaledGraphics with GMF ScaledGraphics
Attachment 128099: style patch for GEF ScaledGraphics
270803 2965 bytes RoundedRectangle not drawn properly
Attachment 130609: fix
Marco Lehmann-Mörz (
231842 1345 bytes DelayedDirectEditHelper does unregister control listeners when aborted
Attachment 101105: Patch that fixes the described problem for me, please review.
Mariot Chauvin (
260740 1699 bytes Strange behavior of the Rectangle class
Attachment 122290: patch for the 3.4 branch
290891 748 bytes ScaledGraphics should implement Graphics#rotate(float degree)
Attachment 148412: patch for the Head
Mark Siegel (
146859 801 bytes Accessibility: Palette title has incorrect accessibility role when tested with JAWS
Attachment 45782: Proposed patch
Michael Clay (
277380 1989 bytes [dot4zest] Graphviz DOT as a DSL for Zest
Attachment 168365: oaw dot.xtxt
Michael Houston (
259088 1691 bytes TitleBarBorder should set the text colour to match the selected title bar foreground
Attachment 124430: Patch using menuForegroundSelected
Mike Marchand (
e6c829 5 lines [472848] Fix findMouseEventTargetInDescendantsAt() aborts too early.
472848 1073 bytes Figure.findMouseEventTargetInDescendantsAt() returns incorrect result
Attachment 255247: Proposal
Miles Parker (
295002 5768 bytes Provide freeform (self-sizing) tree layout [2.0]
Attachment 152083: Proposed new class and changes for freeform layout.
Mohammed Mostafa (
141836 1069 bytes TVT3.2:TCT480: AR: GEF Four-bit Adder diagram is not displayed correctly.
Attachment 41649: patch for review
143310 926 bytes EditPartViewer#getFocus is not delegated to the SelectionManager
Attachment 42874: Fix
145291 2504 bytes CompoundDirectedGraphLayout edge shoots out to the side
Attachment 44830: proposed fix
147062 26247 bytes Eclipse icons in GEF features incorrect for Eclipse 3.2
Attachment 44406: patch to use the new eclipse icon
147440 4131 bytes Gef about info information is incorrect
Attachment 44640: patch
153305 596 bytes org.eclipse.draw2d.Animation has memory leak
Attachment 49991: patch to fix the memory leak
214126 1274 bytes Null Pointer Exception caused by the GraphicalViewerImpl
Attachment 86012: patch
mwienand (
1e96e5 164 lines [NONE] Add cubic Bezier interpolation.
21dee5 101 lines [384328] Ensure that Vector objects instead of Point objects are used in Straight#getPointAt() and Straight#getParameterAt()
28ba71 18 lines [NONE] Fix issues in Line#contains(Point) and Polygon#contains(Point).
2d4e45 10 lines [NONE] Add Line#Line(double...).
3843de 9128 lines [355997] Finalized IPolyShape implementations and added transformation
3f448a 253 lines [NONE] Update documentation diagrams.
469996 20 lines [NONE] Align the BezierCurve#getParameterAt() exceptional behavior with that of Straight#getParameterAt().
46d39d 12014 lines [355997] Complete refactoring of Geometry API (CQ 6363).
49d418 11 lines [NONE] Enhance AbstractPointListBasedGeometry#toSWTPointArray().
77a93f 3 lines [NONE] Enhance an exception message in Ring.
99a32d 11 lines [NONE] Add Straight3D#toStraight().
a2d59a 28 lines [NONE] Ensure Arc#equals(Arc) uses Angle#equals(Angle).
a97a3a 436 lines [NONE] Implement IPolyShape semantics in IGeometry#touches(IGeometry).
b80f55 21 lines [NONE] Add BezierCurve#toString().
c100d1 15 lines [NONE] Fix Line#getIntersectionIntervalPairs().
ecbd7f 5 lines [383647] Implement Ring#toSWTRegion() using getOutline().
fb4955 10 lines [NONE] Ensure Dimension#contains(Dimension) uses PrecisionUtils.
355997 5203 bytes [GEF4] Provide new Geometry-API
Attachment 202501: Implementation of the getIntersections(...) methods in the Ellipse class
355997 135345 bytes [GEF4] Provide new Geometry-API
Attachment 205718: containment/intersection methods for the existing shapes and quadratic and cubic bézier curves with intersection methods
355997 119951 bytes [GEF4] Provide new Geometry-API
Attachment 206852: several bug fixes and many new tests (headers added)
355997 128731 bytes [GEF4] Provide new Geometry-API
Attachment 208923: missing intersection routines and robust bezier clipping
355997 496996 bytes [GEF4] Provide new Geometry-API
Attachment 213615: Complete refactoring of the geometry API
355997 583197 bytes [GEF4] Provide new Geometry-API
Attachment 216482: Implements Region and Ring and adds transformation interfaces and their implementations
355997 8039 bytes [GEF4] Provide new Geometry-API
Attachment 217706: Adds a cubic Bezier interpolation method to the PolyBezier class
356058 3687 bytes [draw2d] ObstructionExample: NPE
Attachment 202305: Patch for the example application
Nicolas Rouquette (
278593 709 bytes [cocoa] NPE at ToolTipHelper
Attachment 138520: Patch for draw2d's
Pierre Carlson (
214900 6435 bytes GEF should be using ICU instead of java.text
Attachment 86560: Patches org.eclipse.gef and org.eclipse.draw2d to use icu classes
Rene Kuhlemann (
8f2488 412 lines [384730] Sugiyama DAG layout algorithm (CQ 6643)
dc53e9 96 lines [384730] Sugiyama layout algorithm: several fixes and improvements
384730 13307 bytes [ZEST] Contribution: Sugiyama layout algorithm to display even large trees and graphs
Attachment 218844: Update of Sugiyama layout algorithm with several fixes and improvements
Richard Miskin (
236731 1541 bytes provide horizontal variant of DirectedGraphLayoutAlgorithm
Attachment 120408: Make DirectedGraphLayoutAlgorithm allow horizontal layout.
Rickard Petzäll (
273585 2266 bytes make it possible to disable animation during layouting
Attachment 146936: New node style to disable animation
Romain Raugi (
227977 1783 bytes PrecisionPoint should override Point.equals
Attachment 109524: Fix for Ganymede, for PrecisionPoint and PrecisionDimension.
237802 985 bytes RelativeBendpoint.getLocation can create precision errors
Attachment 109526: Patch that contains Randy Hudson's fix.
237802 4163 bytes RelativeBendpoint.getLocation can create precision errors
Attachment 110221: Unit test to highlight the bug.
329873 765 bytes setLineDash(float[]) in ScaledGraphics
Attachment 182795: The proposed patch.
Régis Lemaigre (
73636 484290 bytes A contribution to the documentation of GEF
Attachment 14480: see bug description for this
Simon Templer (
335136 18287 bytes Custom figures in GraphViewer are not highlighted correctly
Attachment 208551: Proposed patch to allow styling and labeling of custom figures (v2)
Simon Templer (
22efd6 397 lines added support for custom figures being styled according to model and selection
Stephan Schwiebert (
2c409b 188 lines added snippets to demonstrate how to use TagCloud and TagCloudViewer.
605ea4 16 lines added header
9655ee 2 lines bugfix: Failed to detect word boundaries on windows 7/x64
e3dcdb 6154 lines [349969] Integrate tag cloud visualization contributed by Stephan Schwiebert, see CQ 5299
Stephan Schwiebert (
349969 166372 bytes Code contribution for Zest (Tag Cloud Viewer)
Attachment 198493: Updated Unit Tests
355533 454 bytes [cloudio] Move documentation and samples to Eclipse wiki and Git repo
Steve Seear (
973bfa 1 lines [379805] Fix looped connection label placement when zooming out
d09233 1 lines [379805] Fix looped connection label placement when zooming out
379805 1439 Problem with looped connection label placement when zooming out
Steven R. Shaw (
125337 803 bytes LightweightSystem doesn't consistently use getUpdateManager accessor
Attachment 33649: patch for bug
Stéphane Lizeray (
168307 3017 bytes ScaledGraphics does not support SWT Path
Attachment 82084: path zooming patch
168307 9815 bytes ScaledGraphics does not support SWT Path
Attachment 82085: Example for patrh zooming
212280 2339 bytes org.eclipse.draw2d.RelativeBendpoint#getLocation() returns a point with a slight error
Attachment 85584: Uses internally PrecisionDimension
213494 1011 bytes The copy constructor of PrecisionDimension loses precision
Attachment 85581: Fix the copy constructor. Fixes also enhancement 124904
Sushant Sirsikar (
286106 3851 bytes Support for org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider in org.eclipse.zest.core.viewers.GraphViewer
Attachment 143879: GraphViewer and TreeModelEntityFactory
286106 1595 bytes Support for org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider in org.eclipse.zest.core.viewers.GraphViewer
Syed Atif (
140554 10503 bytes GEF Javadoc is not indexed in Eclipse Help system
Attachment 41521: Patch 2...everything fixed
Takahiro Kato (
106386 13768 bytes page up and down keys don't work in the text example
Attachment 25856: patch for GraphicalTextViewer and TextTool
Tiago Proenca (
278587 1020 bytes GraphModelFactory is calling ContentProvider twice when it creates a connection
Attachment 137813: GraphModelFactory patch
ujhelyiz (
15bd25 62 lines Key modifiers updated
2f66c3 160 lines Removed unused Bezier-related interfaces
32ff40 273 lines Added support for filling a JFace graph using an ITreeContentProvider
447ced 14 lines Option for setting a GraphConnections router from outside the connection
45980c 8 lines Removed unnecessary check for IFigureProvider (it is done by base
5df263 2 lines Minor update to deselection handling in Graph widgets
9ea299 2 lines Made AlgorithmHelper public to allow its reuse outside the layouts
a2fab8 2 lines Made AlgorithmHelper public to allow reuse outside the
a501a2 2 lines Revert "Made AlgorithmHelper public to allow reuse outside the org.eclipse.zest.layouts plug-in"
a9321a 44 lines Added support for default curved edges
af59a1 81 lines Example for testing connection routers
bdc2bc 159 lines Example for JFace connection router usage
ccdee1 74 lines Support for setting connection routers globally for the graph and
eb557a 33 lines Created label provider for setting connection routers
vincent lorenzo (
424943 1992 ResizableEditPolicy#getResizeCommand duplicates request ignoring some request values
Vineet Sinha (
96745 507 bytes Mouse capture not released on mouse exit in SWTEventDispatcher
Attachment 21797: Proposed patch
Yannic Noller (
412446 1505 TreeLayoutObserver.isAncestorOf(TreeNode) could end in infinite loop
Zoltan Ujhelyi (
282526 18657 bytes IEntityConnectionStyleBezierExtension is not used anymore
Attachment 189386: A patch for Zest 2.0 that removes the unused interfaces
283476 10516 bytes In OSX the multiple selection should happen with the Cmd key
Attachment 189385: An updated patch
337144 3010 bytes Zest 2.0 layouts do no support reading model objects
Attachment 189380: A proposed patch
286106 432 bytes Support for org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider in org.eclipse.zest.core.viewers.GraphViewer


The information contained in this log was generated by using commit information from the following repositories:

Dr. Alexander Nyßen
Principal Engineer

Telefon: +49 (0) 231 / 98 60-202
Telefax: +49 (0) 231 / 98 60-211
Mobil: +49 (0) 151 /  17396743 

itemis AG
Am Brambusch 15-24
44536 Lünen

Rechtlicher Hinweis:

Amtsgericht Dortmund, HRB 20621

Vorstand: Jens Wagener (Vors.), Wolfgang Neuhaus, Dr. Georg Pietrek, Jens Trompeter, Sebastian Neus

Aufsichtsrat: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Igel (Vors.), Michael Neuhaus, Jennifer Fiorentino

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