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[tools-pmc] [Fwd: Updating the LDT proposal page]

Did the Tools PMC reach a verdict about the LDT project?

If the fit doesn't feel right, the Technology project will take LDT until such time it is ready to move.

The draft proposal is available here:


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Updating the LDT proposal page
Date: 	Wed, 23 Dec 2009 17:16:49 +0100
From: 	Dann Martens <dann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 	Anne Jacko <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Anne,

Do you have some more information on the state of receival of my proposal?

I have had success in gettng another academic group on board: Informatik III Department of the University of Bonn. Fortunately, they did not shy away because of the bright red disclaimer on the top of the proposal, as my value proposition was sound. However, I still would like to see this matter resolved in order to get the best support for my community building efforts.

Best regards (and happy holidays),

Wayne Beaton, The Eclipse Foundation

I'm going to EclipseCon!

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