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[threadx] ThreadX SIL2 safety certification

Dear Eclipse ThreadX Manager,

We are a company that develops a fire detection and extinguishing system in the railway sector.
We have developed a system with a SIL2 certified sw on a small custom operating system developed on a fairly simple microprocessor.

We would like to migrate to an ARM platform with a more presenter microprocessor (for obsolescence problems) and I would like to understand if we can use the ThreadX operating system and how to obtain and estimate the costs for a certification at least SIL2 of the ThreadX operating system.

Could we get information on the possibility and cost of a documentation that certifies that the TheradX operating system is at least SIL2? Would the costs for the documentation be a one-time cost on the microprocessor chosen? or would it have to be incurred for each fire protection application developed at ok?

Best Regards,

Simone Galigani 
Analisi & Progettazione Sistemistica

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