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Re: [threadx] [threadx-dev] New ThreadX mailing list for end-user questions

Hi Naresh.

There are no ThreadX community meetings scheduled for non-members at this time. Our current focus is to complete ThreadX's transition to a community-supported open source ecosystem. This includes setting up the financing and processes required to support safety certifications in the future.

The project's committers are currently working on small additions and changes to the codebase. They will eventually share details about their work on the threadx-dev mailing list.

We will have plenty of things to announce and share with the ThreadX community in the upcoming months. I plan to organise a first virtual ThreadX community meeting that will be open to all later in the year. Details will be shared on this mailing list.

Best Regards,


Senior Manager — Embedded and IoT | Eclipse Foundation

Mastodon: @fdesbiens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Tue, 2 Jul 2024 at 07:54, Ravuri, Naresh <Naresh.Ravuri@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:



Any ThreadX WG meetings scheduled?






Naresh Ravuri

Senior Manager- Software



30020 Cabot Drive

Novi, Michigan 48377




From: threadx-dev <threadx-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Frédéric Desbiens via threadx-dev
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2024 10:49 AM
To: ThreadX community discussions <threadx@xxxxxxxxxxx>; threadx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Frédéric Desbiens <frederic.desbiens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [threadx-dev] New ThreadX mailing list for end-user questions


WARNING: This e-mail originated from outside of Magna. Be cautious with links, attachments and QR codes.

Hi everyone.

The ThreadX developer team asked me to create a new mailing list to handle questions from end-users. So, if you are building devices or applications that leverage ThreadX and have questions, please send them to the threadx-users mailing list.

You can subscribe to the list here:

So, to summarise:

  • threadx@xxxxxxxxxxx is the general community mailing list. You will receive release announcements, community news, community meeting invites, and more on it. You can ask non-technical questions about the ThreadX open source project and the ThreadX special interest group there.
  • threadx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx is the ThreadX developer mailing list. The project contributors and committers of ThreadX will use it to collaborate and discuss technical matters in an open setting. You can discuss pull requests and such matters there. 
  • threadx-users@xxxxxxxxxxx is the list of ThreadX end-users. If you have technical questions about ThreadX and its subcomponents (FileX, GUIX, NetX Duo, USBX, etc.), you can use his one.

If you are unsure where to send your email, feel free to ask me ahead of time.

Best Regards,


Senior Manager — Embedded and IoT | Eclipse Foundation

Mastodon: @fdesbiens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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