We can turn those things around pretty quickly, so let's just hold.
I assume that you've already familiarized yourself with the b3 files
and so are ready to go, right?
On 02/28/2012 01:37 PM, Benjamin Cabé wrote:
That's awesome!
Should I start asking Eclipse Webmaster / David for write
access on the Juno aggregator project already, in order to
save a few days and get ready ASAP should the planning
council finally gives a real GO?
Benjamin -
Much/most of the planning council has responded to my
petition for Koneki to join Juno with a +1. No concerns so
far. But, we need to give this another couple of days to
wrap up.
On 02/22/2012 01:12 PM, Benjamin Cabé wrote:
Thanks for the clarification Wayne.
The three new (6240, 6241, 6242) would need to be
approved for Juno indeed.
Regarding the remaining four:
- 5278 is NOT needed for Juno
- 5275 and 5575 ARE needed.
- 5276 could virtually be withdrawn, since 6240 is
requesting the inclusion of a newer version of the
Metalua library. 5276 already passed preliminary
review, though, and I have detailed in 6240 with
as much detailed possible the delta between the
version in 5276, and the one in 6240 that we would
need for Juno.
Strictly speaking, the CQs need to be identified
as being required for Juno by Feb 8. But since
they're already in the system, we may have some
wiggle room.
I see the three new CQs; can I assume that the
remaining four currently unapproved CQs must also be
approved for Juno?
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Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @waynebeaton
technology-pmc mailing list
Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @waynebeaton