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Re: [technology-pmc] Request for exception to integrate with aggregation build until M4

On 24.01.2012, at 20:09, Wayne Beaton wrote:

What is the status of the problems you've listed?

Problems are:
- 3rd party libraries not moved to Orbit yet
A committer election is in progress. The bundles will be prepared for Orbit during the next week. This includes Guice, Guava, Gson, Jersey (client/core/server), Apache Commons Lang3, and potentially one or two more bundles I don't remember yet. 

- Not all CQs submitted for 3rd party libraries

All CQs have been submitted. One Orbit dependency (javax.inject) needs approval.

- No signing of jars

Jars for the release train are signed.

- Known conflicts with the guice bundle provided by xtext

The causes of these problems (on Xtext and our side) have been identified. The Orbit bundle will contain the necessary tweaks to allow both projects to use the same bundle.

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