code recommenders is making good progress and we are confident that we'll satisfy all major criteria for M5. Extended documentation platform, code completion engines, and local code search engine are maturing quickly and SnipMatch guys will start at the end of January. Java, RCP/RAP, and Scout Packages expressed some interest to integrate Code Recommenders in their package and we work at full blast to make this happen.
One thing that hasn't been discussed in detail was how do we deal with the data users provide for instance to snipmatch's community code templates store or to the extended documentation platform? Is there a special wiki-like 'terms of usage' needed? Were does this data go to? Also, for stacktrace search or model generation and model download some data needs to be delivered to the client and submitted. We started this discussion a while ago but postponed it.
I'd like to pick up the discussion again - early enough before Juno arrives. I'm not sure wether this is a discussion for the PMC mailing list since finally it's a decision of the Foundation. But Wayne will know, I guess.