Technology PMC members,
It's true that there is a lot of overhead to being an Eclipse project.
I don't agree with that assessment. The only thing I can think of that
Eclipse projects have as overhead that is in addition to the usual
overhead of running any project is the IP process and even there the IP
team has been working hard to make that as low overhead as possible.
Things like builds and plans - every successful project, no matter how
large or small, needs to do those things so they are not "overhead of
being an *Eclipse* project" but rather "overhead of being a software
development project".
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for (and am working on) reducing the
overhead of being a software project (such as through the common build
infrastructure), but I just don't agree that there is a "a lot of
overhead" to being an Eclipse project.
something like Nexus, the proposed micro projects would be required to
find a more permanent home as they reach a state of maturity.
Wouldn't it just make sense that projects that are successful and
adopted by the community to naturally have an obvious home? So I don't
see this as a problem.
Perhaps the Nexus proposal is more about requesting a better
explanation of what it means to be a project and how to run a project
and so on rather than created yet another mechanism... ?
- Bjorn