January 09, 2020 |
04:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21376] zone.js 0.10.1 |
emo-ip-team |
04:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21375] swimlane/ngx-datatable 15.0.2 |
emo-ip-team |
04:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21374] ngx-toastr 11.2.1 |
emo-ip-team |
January 08, 2020 |
18:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21373] org.hsqldb 2.2.9 |
emo-ip-team |
14:44 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21366] SpotBugs 3.1.0 (PB CQ14164) |
emo-ip-team |
07:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21370] bootstrap 4.4.1 |
emo-ip-team |
January 07, 2020 |
12:31 |
[technology-pmc] New Project Proposal: Eclipse ESCET |
January 01, 2020 |
18:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21359] org.apache.druid druid-hll 0.16.1-incubating |
emo-ip-team |
December 30, 2019 |
08:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21358] Change Distiller 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT |
emo-ip-team |
December 26, 2019 |
00:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21266] Spring Boot Starter Parent 2.2.1.RELEASE |
emo-ip-team |
December 25, 2019 |
18:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21346] JavaEWAH 1.1.7 |
emo-ip-team |
18:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21346] JavaEWAH 1.1.7 |
emo-ip-team |
December 20, 2019 |
07:12 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval for APP4MC 0.9.7 |
Mackamul Harald (CR/AEX3) |
December 19, 2019 |
10:09 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Eclipse OMR committer election approval |
Wayne Beaton |
10:08 |
[technology-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Kazuhiro Konno on Eclipse OMR |
emo |
10:07 |
[technology-pmc] Eclipse OMR committer election approval |
Daryl Maier |
08:38 |
[technology-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Till Brychcy on Eclipse Maven Integration |
emo |
08:38 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC Approval for RCPTT 2.5.0 Release |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
08:37 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Please review the Eclipse sumo 1.4.0 release |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
03:37 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Please review the Eclipse sumo 1.4.0 release |
Michael.Behrisch |
00:01 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Till Brychcy on Eclipse Maven Integration |
emo |
December 18, 2019 |
23:23 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval for RCPTT 2.5.0 Release |
Ulyana Skorokhodova |
16:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21260] pl.allegro.tech embedded-elasticsearch 2.10.0 |
emo-ip-team |
09:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21260] pl.allegro.tech embedded-elasticsearch 2.10.0 |
emo-ip-team |
08:45 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Please review the Eclipse sumo 1.4.0 release |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
05:14 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21260] pl.allegro.tech embedded-elasticsearch 2.10.0 |
emo-ip-team |
04:11 |
[technology-pmc] Please review the Eclipse sumo 1.4.0 release |
Michael.Behrisch |
December 17, 2019 |
09:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21273] zlib 1.2.11 |
emo-ip-team |
00:01 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Kazuhiro Konno on Eclipse OMR |
emo |
December 16, 2019 |
09:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21298] Spring Cloud Dependencies Hoxton.RELEASE |
emo-ip-team |
09:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21297] Spring Cloud Starter OpenFeign 2.2.0.RELEASE |
emo-ip-team |
07:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21295] springfox-swagger2 2.9.2 |
emo-ip-team |
07:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21294] mapstruct processor 1.2.0.Final |
emo-ip-team |
07:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21293] flywaydb core 6.0.8 |
emo-ip-team |
06:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21292] angular font awesome 3.1.2 |
emo-ip-team |
06:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21291] PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.2.8 |
emo-ip-team |
December 13, 2019 |
10:41 |
[technology-pmc] DLTK 6.0 aprove |
Dawid PakuĊa |
December 12, 2019 |
11:33 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Pls review the Eclipse OpenJ9 0.18.0 release plan |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
11:32 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Nebula 2.3.0 |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
11:28 |
[technology-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Daniel Pop on Eclipse IoT-Testware |
emo |
11:28 |
[technology-pmc] Committer election is now complete for David Lloyd on Eclipse MicroProfile |
emo |
11:28 |
[technology-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Constantin Ziesche on Eclipse BaSyx |
emo |
11:04 |
[technology-pmc] Pls review the Eclipse OpenJ9 0.18.0 release plan |
Peter Shipton |
10:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21272] Spring Boot Web Starter 2.2.1.RELEASE |
emo-ip-team |
10:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21271] Spring Boot Security Starter 2.2.1.RELEASE |
emo-ip-team |
10:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21270] Spring Boot OAuth2/OpenID Connect Client Starter 2.2.1.RELEASE |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21269] Spring Boot Data JPA Starter 2.2.1. |
emo-ip-team |
06:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21266] Spring Boot Starter Parent 2.2.1.RELEASE |
emo-ip-team |
05:22 |
[technology-pmc] Committer Election for Till Brychcy on Eclipse Maven Integration has started |
emo |
December 11, 2019 |
10:54 |
[technology-pmc] Nebula 2.3.0 |
Wim Jongman |
05:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21262] org.apache.commons commons-collections4 4.4 |
emo-ip-team |
01:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21260] pl.allegro.tech embedded-elasticsearch 2.10.0 |
emo-ip-team |
00:01 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Peter Buschmann on Eclipse openK User Modules |
emo |
00:01 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Dennis Schmitt on Eclipse openK User Modules |
emo |
December 10, 2019 |
22:19 |
[technology-pmc] Committer Election for Kazuhiro Konno on Eclipse OMR has started |
emo |
11:07 |
Re: [technology-pmc] committer election approval status |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
11:05 |
[technology-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Kazuhiro Konno on Eclipse OpenJ9 |
emo |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21181] jmh-core version 1.21 |
emo-ip-team |
08:36 |
[technology-pmc] committer election approval status |
Daryl Maier |
07:59 |
[technology-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Alexander Kurtakov on Eclipse Maven Integration |
emo |
00:01 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Alexander Kurtakov on Eclipse Maven Integration |
emo |
December 09, 2019 |
19:02 |
Re: [technology-pmc] [egit-dev] Release review JGit / EGit 5.6.0 for 2019-12 |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
15:18 |
[technology-pmc] Release review JGit / EGit 5.6.0 for 2019-12 |
Matthias Sohn |
15:02 |
[technology-pmc] New Project Proposal: Free BIRD Tools |
11:47 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21182] jmh-generator-annprocess version 1.21 |
emo-ip-team |
December 06, 2019 |
07:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21233] angular seed 2018-11-15 |
emo-ip-team |
December 04, 2019 |
05:34 |
[technology-pmc] Committer Election for Peter Buschmann on Eclipse openK User Modules has started |
emo |
05:31 |
[technology-pmc] Committer Election for Dennis Schmitt on Eclipse openK User Modules has started |
emo |
00:04 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Kazuhiro Konno on Eclipse OpenJ9 |
emo |
December 03, 2019 |
08:12 |
[technology-pmc] Committer Election for Alexander Kurtakov on Eclipse Maven Integration has started |
emo |
November 28, 2019 |
16:00 |
[technology-pmc] Committer election is now complete for David Walluck on Eclipse Packager |
emo |
13:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21194] Apache HttpComponents HttpClient 4.5.10 |
emo-ip-team |
11:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21198] commons-codec:commons-codec Version: 1.13 |
emo-ip-team |
11:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21195] Apache HttpComponents HttpCore 4.4.12 |
emo-ip-team |
11:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21194] Apache HttpComponents HttpClient 4.5.10 |
emo-ip-team |
November 27, 2019 |
11:12 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for David Walluck on Eclipse Packager |
emo |
11:12 |
[technology-pmc] Committer Election for David Walluck on Eclipse Packager has started |
emo |
00:36 |
[technology-pmc] Committer Election for Kazuhiro Konno on Eclipse OpenJ9 has started |
emo |
November 26, 2019 |
12:29 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval request for Eclipse Passage release 0.7.0 |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
12:29 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval request for Eclipse RedDeer release 2.8.0 |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
08:11 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21021] Initial contribution |
emo-ip-team |
07:21 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21021] Initial contribution |
emo-ip-team |
03:33 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval request for Eclipse Passage release 0.7.0 |
Alexander Fedorov |
02:23 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval request for Eclipse RedDeer release 2.8.0 |
Ondrej Dockal |
November 25, 2019 |
23:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21189] jackson-datatype-joda 2.10.1 |
emo-ip-team |
23:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21188] jackson-dataformat-yaml & jackson-dataformat-xml 2.10.1 |
emo-ip-team |
23:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21187] jackson-databind 2.10.1 |
emo-ip-team |
23:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21186] jackson-core 2.10.1 |
emo-ip-team |
00:01 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Daniel Pop on Eclipse IoT-Testware |
emo |
November 22, 2019 |
12:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21175] Maven 3.6.3 |
emo-ip-team |
12:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21174] plexus-component-annotations 2.1.0 |
emo-ip-team |
12:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21173] wagon-provider-api 3.3.4 |
emo-ip-team |
10:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 21170] maven-archiver 3.5.0 |
emo-ip-team |
November 21, 2019 |
12:48 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Please approve Eclipse Collections 10.1.0 Release |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
10:26 |
[technology-pmc] Please approve Eclipse Collections 10.1.0 Release |
Nanivadekar, Nikhil J |
00:01 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for David Lloyd on Eclipse MicroProfile |
emo |
November 20, 2019 |
08:08 |
[technology-pmc] Committer Election for Alexander Kurtakov on Eclipse Maven Integration has started |
emo |
November 18, 2019 |
10:20 |
[technology-pmc] Committer Election for Daniel Pop on Eclipse IoT-Testware has started |
emo |
00:02 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Constantin Ziesche on Eclipse BaSyx |
emo |
November 15, 2019 |
04:21 |
[technology-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Sebastian Leuer on Eclipse CogniCrypt |
emo |