Hello Martin,
On 8/9/2016 7:59 PM, Oberhuber, Martin
Hi Didier,
For using
libwebsockets, you’d have to file a “works-with” IPZilla CQ
and have that approved by the Eclipse Tools PMC.
Since it’s
“LGPL + Exception”, Eclipse Legal/IP staff will probably
scrutinize it quite closely so may take some time until you
can actually commit code (though it might be that
“works-with” allow parallel checkin until approved, I’m not
I only make use of a DLL; I am not sure this introduces any legal/IP
question. If I would link statically with libwebsockets it would be
the case but not with a shared link (or we would have the same issue
when linking with libc). Anyway, if you can point me to any document
about the process I must follow; I would be happy to do it.
My other
question is, if you are not planning to contribute any
client, could you still contribute any “example” that would
allow unit-testing or demoing the new connectivity ? Maybe a
minimal _javascript_ thingy that could run inside Orion or
Node.js ? – Eclipse is about “fameworks and exemplary tools”
so having the feature without any sort of (even the
simplest) client does not look ideal to me.
The "C" client will be available. I will provide some documentations
on how to create a simple "C" WebSocket TCF client and server and
connect them together but this will not be different from what we do
with "C". Regarding _javascript_; we may also release a TCF _javascript_
client soon but this is not yet available.
Martin Oberhuber,
SMTS / Product Owner – Development Tools, Wind River
+43.662.457915.85 fax +43.662.457915.6
I would like to add support for WebSocket channel in TCF
agent; I already have a prototype working and I should be
able to commit soon my changes in org.eclipse.tcf.agent
GIT repository. Before I commit any change; I would like
to get agreement on what I am planning to do:
WebSocket support will be implemented using
libwebsockets library (https://libwebsockets.org/).
The libwebsockets license allows static linking without
LGPL license propagation. Anyway, I would not use static
linking but instead use dynamic linking and the
libwebsockets library will have to be built outside TCF
agent GIT repo (similar to what is done with Lua). Do
you foresee any issue?
I plan to support only cmake build for WebSocket support
(this can be extended in the future).
Configuring/Building TCF agent with libwebsockets
support will require some dedicated documentation. I
plan to put this in org.eclipse.tcf.git GIT repo and
then update the "Getting Started" guide to reflect this.
I don't plan to add a Java WebSocket client for now;
maybe in the future...
Any comment/suggestion is welcome.
Didier Brachet, Principal Technologist, Wind River
direct (33) 297.427.286 fax (33) 297.424.550
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Didier Brachet, Principal Technologist, Wind River
direct (33) 297.427.286 fax (33) 297.424.550