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Re: [swordfish-dev] Installing ODE in Sowrdfish

Hi Prasanna,

we actually DID manage to integrate ODE 1.3 based on an rather old version of Swordfish some time back, but we haven't investigated this any further since. Currently we don't have any more resources to spend on this, so any contribution to this end would be welcome. The links are outdated, but they should give you a general idea of the integration, though.


Am 16.06.2010 um 00:51 schrieb prajaper:

Hello Team,

We are evaluating various open source SOA runtimes and swordfish is one of them. I would like to know if I can create a target runtime with apache ODE installed in it, if not how can I have apache ODE installed. I found couple of link related to this, but the updates sites and other URLs are out dated.

Appreciate your time

Oliver Wolf
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