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[swordfish-dev] Proposal for the new structure of the Swordfish projects in svn

The current proposal for the new structure of the Swordfish projects  
in svn is:

Two top level dirs:

rt - all runtime projects + integration tests

tools - all tooling projects

rt + tools are flat (no sub structure)

We plan to change the structure (and adapt the build scripts  
accordingly) at the end of the sprint
to avoid conflicts.

Zsolt proposed a separate samples dir containing all sample projects
Comments from Sergey and Volodymyr lead to the conclusion that this idea
should be dropped at the moment:

Comment from Sergey
"Samples are also built during every RT/Tooling build, and it will  
mean that sources for them will be taken from different top directory.
For example if I want to build locally only RT bundles should I also  
checkout "samples" dir?"

Comment from Volodymyr
"Samples depend on the runtime projects, in case of RT changes samples  
may not compile
and they reveal the RT functionality to the user"

Any comments?

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