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Re: [swordfish-dev] Mockup for new jax-ws provider wizard page (support for creating composite services)

Title: Re: [swordfish-dev] Mockup for new jax-ws provider wizard page (support for creating composite services)
Hi Andrey,

My proposal for the name of the wizard would be “Composite Service Wizard”.

Instead of answering all your questions let me add some more ideas & questions to spark the discussion about the aspect of selection.
I think we need to get the questions answered (there will be more) and also derive test cases from them (as far as it makes sense Junit cases that do not rely on Eclipse classes – but of course that should not keep us from reusing existing libraries).

Note that I distinguish between:
  • What do we present as initial list to select from?
  • Which combinations of projects can actually be selected from the initial list?

Can a project be selected?
    Initial selection list
       It's an opened project
            Q: Can we look into closed projects at all?
            Q: Should we offer to look into closed projects if we do not find any matching projects?
        It's a Swordfish project
            META-INF imports
        It's a consumer project
            Spring configuration
                jaxws-consumer.xml (or different file name)
                NS used
            JAX-WS client
            http:endpoint definition?
        Q: Is the JAX-WS client criterion strong enough?
        Q: Could it be ANY JAX-WS consumer project?
            Non Spring configuration?

    Valid selection combinations
       Do we have a selected consumer project that refers to the same provider?
            (id,  serviceClass,  serviceName, address)
            Q: What is the consequence? (Should we hide one of them?)
        Do we have a selected consumer project that has the same client ID?
            (different serviceClass and/or serviceName and/or address)
            Q: How can we help the user to find the right one?


On 9/28/09 10:25, "Andrey Kopachevsky" <kopachevsky@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi, I've created mockup for new page of jax-ws provider wizard. This is will be last one of wizard page sequince and it will allow user to pick one or several Jax-ws consumer project.
You can see image attached or follow link

So I need to clarify some points:

1. page structure itself it is fine or not?
2. consumer projects will appear in the wizards' page list only if it has jaxws-consumer.xml file.
3. Need to clarify text of the page label and description.


Jürgen Kindler
Senior Quality Engineer
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Fax:    +49 228-182 191 93

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