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Re: [swordfish-dev] Creating new DITA files in

Hello Diya!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 7:19:11 PM, you wrote:

DM> It’s nice to see that the DITA sources for the Swordfish tooling
DM> help pages are available for everyone to edit and change.

DM> I would like to know the steps that I should follow
DM> to add a new topic (new .DITA file) in this help bundle.
    simple add new file *.dita
    and start to write topic (concept/task/...)

DM> I see that there is a file named toc.ditamap
DM> – is this a generated file?
    no, this it DITA map which is describing
    whole documentation structure

DM> Do I need to update it manually if I add a new .DITA file?
    yes, you should describe where in documentation hierarchy
    you newly added file is placed

DM> Are there any specific rules I need
DM> to follow while adding a new .DITA file?
    seems to be no, you can download standard (or full)
    DITA-OT package and check DITA documentation
    (I am not sure that there are big changes from older DITA versions)

Best regards,


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