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[swordfish-dev] Chat transcript 11/02/2009

Title: Chat transcript 11/02/2009
[START Transcript 11/02/2009]

Sergey Dneprovskiy
Thank you very much for answers Zsolt, one more question please...
Among other all tasks for the Registry feature I see the following:
# Define communication and API between registry interceptor and the proxies repsonsible for different kind of locations
# Refactoring current registry interceptor to extract proxy for local file system, which implements the specified api
# Create proxy for lookup into remote registry
# Make registry interceptor configurable for different proxies
If I understand correctly that means adapt existing EndpointResolverInterceptor from Swordfish:
extract existing logic that uses local WSDL manager to separate proxy, introduce new proxy for remote lookup and make proxy switching configurable
That are tasks I would like to start working with one by one, what do you think?
for this it is also needed to decide request and response format for lookup...
or better to start with implementation of ServiceRegisrty logic? for this way we need to have a project for it...


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Oliver Wolf

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