I want to model a small priority intersection in Sumo with pedestrians. Vehicles should move from the bottom edges coming up to a roundabout, pedestrians should move from the right and left side having priority (see screenshot
1 and 2).
I have the following requirements regarding the vehicles' and pedestrian’s behavior:
- Pedestrians should have priority, e.g. always cross the intersection first.
- If a vehicle coming from below (screenshot 2, green) meets a pedestrian coming from the right or left (blue), it should stop before the intersection.
- If a vehicle coming from below does not meet crossing vehicles, it should cross the intersection without stopping.
How can I model this?
I have tried to model the intersection as follows:
- Type: Priority
- Edges coming from below and above: Priority 1
- Edges coming from left and right: Priority 10
I have also tried to adjust some parameters, e.g. impatience="1", jmIgnoreJunctionFoeProb="1", jmIgnoreFoeProb="1", but this has never led to the desired result. Instead of a pedestrian, I also tried to simulate a small
vehicle as an alternative. Points 1 and 2 above worked, but the third did not. The vehicle often stops at the intersection even though there is no traffic (see screenshot 2).
It would be great if you could help me with this and tell me exactly how to model it. As an alternative, it would also be okay to model small vehicles instead of pedestrians.
Thanks and best regards,