Hi all,
Bug 1:
in marouter when the option --ignore-taz is activated, this is written (example) for a vehicle:
<vehicle depart="28814.71" departLane="best" departSpeed="avg" fromTaz="551932" id="3745" toTaz="552814" type="car">
There is no "from" or "to". And the fromTaz and toTaz has the source and origin edges of the vehicle (interestingly no error is reported) when the route file is used.
Note: The trip file that was given to marouter had both from, to and fromTaz, toTaz correctly written.
Bug 2:
It seems that there is a bug in sumo 1.18 in saveState (Traci-Libsumo)
Note for all cases:
Load state is with a sumo configuration where rerouting is activated and routes from marouter are used.
Case 1:
Save state -> route file (marouter - route distributions) & activated rerouting
When I load the saved state the 2 following errors are printed:
- Loading state from '...\warm_up_state_200.xml' failed, check whether SUMO versions match. Unknown route '!warm_up_10421#0' in distribution '!warm_up_10421'.
- Storage::writeUnsignedByte(): Invalid value, not in [0, 255]
Case 2:
Save state -> route file (marouter - route distributions) & deactivated rerouting
Everything works fine.
Case 3:
Save state -> trip file & deactivated rerouting
Load state works properly but after some timesteps (different each time) sometimes traci throws a FatalTraciError and with libsumo the kernel dies.
Note: if rerouting is deactivated in the load state phase it seems that it works (tested for 20 runs).
Case 4:
Save state -> route file (marouter - route distributions) & activated rerouting
Load state works properly but after some timesteps (different each time) sometimes traci throws a FatalTraciError and with libsumo the kernel dies.
Note: if rerouting is deactivated in the load state phase it seems that it works (tested for 20 runs).
It seems to me that there must be a conflict between the rerouting devices of the saved state and the ones that are added afterwards (load state) (Case 2, 3, 4).
Other issues:
- In all cases info is saved about vehicles that enter the simulation (depart) after the save state timestep. For example, I save the state at timestep 28720 but this is written in my state file (see depart):
<vehicle id="peak_hour_1036" type="car" depart="28806.90" ...
- In the beginning of the simulation I activate for some traffic lights the programID "no_control" and for some others I set the Program to "off" (deactivate). In the state file if a traffic light has two programs both are written and not only the one that was set. As for the traffic lights that were deactivated ("off") this information is not kept, rather the default programID is written (i don't know if this is an intended behavior). For example:
<tlLogic id="clusterJ830_J841" programID="control" phase="0" duration="10000"/>
<tlLogic id="clusterJ830_J841" programID="no_control" phase="7" duration="2000"/>
Best regards,