Dear SUMO user group,
“Long time listener first time caller.” We are using SUMO to simulate traffic for a driving simulator and
want to get realistic driving behaviour out of it. We have a large network composed of an orbital motorway with 4 junctions, modelled on real-life junctions in the UK, and some roads in the interior. I attached a sumoconfig of just one of these junctions
that reproduces the problem that I'm dealing with at the moment.
The problem that I'm dealing with is that some vehicles when, traversing this junction and exiting to the
left of the screen, do not file into the appropriate lane. The oval shaped roads consist of two lanes with the left lane being the turning lane but some vehicles, instead of filing into the appropriate lane, race ahead in the right hand lane and cut in-front
of traffic causing a disruption to the otherwise realistic flow of traffic. This is performed by the green car at ~2:06 and the blue car at ~4:58 in this reproduction scenario.
We use the sublane model and run SUMO within our simulation with the command:
sumo-gui.exe --configuration-file "<path to sumoconfig here>" --start --quit-on-end --no-step-log --step-length
"0.2" --time-to-teleport "-1" --lateral-resolution "0.8" --collision.action "none"
I would like some advice on how to get cars to "know" that the left lane is the turning lane and hence file
in rather than change lanes last minute. Is this to be done in the roadnetwork by something in addition to the lane connections to specify them as turning lanes or are there some lane-changing model parameters whose function is to tune this aspect of the behaviour?
Kind regards,
Gergely Ferenczi