Dear all!
I tried to use libsumo instead of traci for new taxi routing algorithm to reduce overheads.
The algorithm which worked for traci now crashes with libsumo.libsumo.FatalTraCIError:
bad allocation error, when I use vehicle.getParameter() function e.g. like that:
vehicle.getParameter(taxi, "")
Is it the case mentioned in the documentation (so this function, indeed, should not work for libsumo):
The following things currently do not work (or work differently than with the TraCI
Python client): subscriptions that require additional arguments (except for vehicle.getLeader)?
More general question would be, then, should I consider using libsumo for taxi vehicles if I need to obtain information
about reservations, taxi fleet, current routes etc from SUMO or it would be better to stay with traci? I am currently creating Gym environment for applying RL for ride-pooling problem, and already feel that the performance will be really an issue.
Thank you in advance,
Klavdiia Bochenina