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Re: [sumo-user] Save state does not work properly

Hi Jakob,

sorry for replying here but I know what is happening. Until the point I run my simulation I have 319 arrived vehicles. As far as I can understand those vehicles should not be stored in the state file (they also don't have a trip info device).
Moreover there are exactly 319 "broken" routeDistribution tags (the ones that correspond to the arrived vehicles). Because I used SUE (max alternatives = 5) in one distribution I may have 1 or more (until 5) possible
routes. I give an example of a broken routeDistribution:

<routeDistribution id="!7107" state="0" routes="!7107#0 !7107#1 !7107#2" probabilities="1.33 1.33 1.34"/>

The vehicle with id "7107" is an already arrived vehicle. The vehicle in the route file is depicted as follows:
  <vehicle depart="0.75" departLane="random" departSpeed="avg" fromTaz="in_18" id="7107" toTaz="left8" type="warm_up_car">
      <route cost="99.35" edges="D6D7 D7C7 C7B7 B7B8 B8A8 A8left8" probability="1.33352733"/>                (!7107#0)
      <route cost="99.80" edges="D6D7 D7C7 C7C8 C8B8 B8A8 A8left8" probability="1.32770984"/>                (!7107#1)
      <route cost="98.97" edges="D6D7 D7C7 C7B7 B7A7 A7A8 A8left8" probability="1.33876284"/>                 (!7107#2)

The vehicle during the simulation used the route  edges="D6D7 D7C7 C7B7 B7A7 A7A8 A8left8" which corresponds to !7107#2 which is the missing route id from the state xml file. The only ones written are:

    <route id="!7107#0" state="0" edges="D6D7 D7C7 C7B7 B7B8 B8A8 A8left8"/>
    <route id="!7107#1" state="0" edges="D6D7 D7C7 C7C8 C8B8 B8A8 A8left8"/>

Best regards,

Στις Πέμ 8 Ιουν 2023 στις 4:53 μ.μ., ο/η Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> έγραψε:
Please open up a ticket at and attach minimal input files for replicating your problem (please try to pare down your scenario to the bare minimum).

Am Do., 8. Juni 2023 um 15:43 Uhr schrieb manos kampitakis <mankampitakis@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi all,

I want to run my simulation up to a point (e.g. 2700s) and then save this state (using traci.simulation.saveState()). It seems that the function does not work properly. For example, when I am trying to load the saved state I get the following error message:
Error: Unknown route '!#_1532#0' in distribution '!#_1532'. (this happens many times inside the saved state xml)
The paths are generated using SUE (max alternatives = 5), teleport is deactivated and during the run, until the point I run my simulation in order to save it, I get no error whatsoever from traci.

Best regards,
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