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Re: [sumo-user] Generating Demand from Counting Data

- for dfrouter, this sounds a bit like an issue with how the input data is encoded. Can you provide examplary input files?
- for flowrouter try adding 'python' in front of the tool name. See

Am Do., 30. März 2023 um 16:03 Uhr schrieb Florian Schnepf <florian.schnepf97@xxxxxx>:
i am trying to generate vehicles for a section of highway. For the detectors, i have data for each hour. With dfrouter, the generated vehicles are generated only at the beginning of a new started hour. This makes the traffic uneven. Tried it with the --randomize-flows option, but that didn't make any difference. 

Now I wanted to test When I call it in the command line, I only get all options displayed (see picture).
Also tried to call it with %SUMO_HOME%/tools/detector/ with same results 
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