I want to move the vehicle to some edge.
I read speed, accel and position using these commands which give values of the last timestep.
And then I use the following commands in the current timestep so that I get the desired position and speed in the next timestep.
libsumo::Vehicle::setPreviousSpeed(veh, speed, accel);
libsumo::Vehicle::moveTo(veh, cmd.lane_id(), lane_pos);
Then, I check the leader
double frontGapNeeded = libsumo::Vehicle::getSecureGap(veh, speed, libsumo::Vehicle::getSpeed(leader.first), libsumo::Vehicle::getDecel(leader.first));
double followSpeed=libsumo::Vehicle::getFollowSpeed(veh, speed, frontGapNeeded, libsumo::Vehicle::getSpeed(leader.first), libsumo::Vehicle::getDecel(leader.first), leader.first);
double frontMax = frontGapNeeded + (-leader.second);
double new_speed = std::min(speed, followSpeed);
double pos = std::min(lane_pos, frontMax);
Then, i set the vehicle speed as per the leader.
libsumo::Vehicle::slowDown(veh, followSpeed, 0);
But, I am not getting desired results. Is there any way to get speed in the current timestep?