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Re: [sumo-user] Taxi-Dispatching with Trailer docking and undocking-time

guiShape = "truck/trailer" or "truck/semitrailer" will segment the vehicle shape into two "bendy" parts.
You can use vType params to tweak some details:

<param key="carriageLength" value="2.5"/>
 <param key="carriageGap" value="0.5"/>
 <param key="locomotiveLength" value="5"/>

For managing the stop duration use these params:
<param key="" value="30"/>
 <param key="" value="30"/>


Am Di., 6. Dez. 2022 um 17:08 Uhr schrieb Reichsöllner, Emanuel <Emanuel.Reichsoellner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Dear SUMO Team,

I am currently facing a tricky use-case.
I want to simulate a taxi fleet, which picks up customers with a Trailer (or a Caravan).

I am not focused on displaying the Trailer (which would also be nice 🙂 ) but I want to take the docking und undocking-time into account.
So when the Taxi arrives at a customer, the Taxi should wait for e.g. 30 Seconds to dock the Trailer and the same for undocking at the destination.

Have you any hints, how this could be solved?

Best regards,





Dipl. -Phys. Emanuel Reichsöllner

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Hochschule Esslingen

University Of Applied Sciences

Fakultät Informationstechnik


Fraunhofer Anwendungszentrum KEIM

(Kompetenzzentrum für energetische und informationstechnische Mobilitätsschnittstellen)


Raum F01.405

Flandernstr. 101

73732 Esslingen


Email:  emanuel.reichsoellner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tel.: 0711/397-4207



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