hello, I think I've seen this problem already described but I don't think the proposed answer corresponds to my problem, so here it is ...
I want to get full accelerate and decelerate control on evehicle, for that I've put max accelerate, max decelerate and apparent decelerate to very big values (1000,00), as for the max speed, and also the max speed on the edges. In that way I assume I'm not impacting by SUMO speed control ...
Now I control from my app (python code) the accelerate decelerate of the vehicles by using the traci.vehicle.setAcceleration() API with positive or negative values. I don't have any problem with the accelerate but the decelerate seems to be truncated to -1.4 m/s2 while the command I send is far bigger (above -10.0 m/s2). I precise this is for test purpose.
why is it so? is it related to Kraus car following model? anyway to solve my issue or understand it?
I've tried with the traci.vehicle.setSpeed() and traci.vehicle.slowDown() but this seems not appropriate and in my control loop I really need to brake the cars ... that would mean negative speed ...
can anyone help me?
have a good day.