I use randomTrips to generate pedestrians from type myType as it is defined in the additional file:
<vType id="myType" vClass="pedestrian">
<param key="device.btreceiver.probability" value="1"/>
<param key="device.btsender.probability" value="1"/>
I write this command to generate pedestrians:
python randomTrips.py -n intersections.net.xml -a pedType.add.xml --trip-attributes="type=\"myType\"" -r ped.rou.xml --pedestrians --period 5 --binomial 2
In the same time, I define routes for cars in different file and assign Bluetooth devices for them using .simcfg file as following:
<net-file value="intersections.net.xml"/>
<!--<route-files value="ped.rou.xml, cars.rou.xml"/>-->
<route-files value="ped.rou.xml, CarsManRout.rou.xml"/>
<random value="true"/>
<gui-settings-file value="guisettings.xml"/>
<!--<pedestrian.striping.dawdling value="0"/>-->
<begin value="0"/>
<end value="3600"/>
<device.btsender.probability value="1"/>
<device.btreceiver.probability value="1"/>
<device.btreceiver.all-recognitions value="true"/>
<device.btreceiver.range value="100"/>
<fcd-output value="output.xml"/>
<emission-output value="emmisions.xml"/>
<collision-output value="collision.xml"/>
<bt-output value="bluetooth.xml"/>
Now, when I check the output file "bluetooth.xml", I found that it only has the bluetooth output of vehicles not for pedestrians (neither senders or receivers).
My question is how to get the output of pedestrians bluetooth devices?