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[sumo-user] Taxi simulation times out in Python

Hi sumo users,

I created a python script to generate and execute multimodal simulation scenarios. For scenarios with a low number of taxis in the network, the code runs successfully. For scenarios with a higher number of taxis (38, for example) the configuration file cannot be run and times out. When this same configuration file is run using the command line or the GUI, however, it runs successfully.

Below is the problematic section of code. Attached is a photo of the traceback
cmd ='sumo -c'+file
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:

Note that the process timeout time of 60 was chosen to test the code. The process still does not complete after multiple hours.

Thanks as always,
Griffin Hanekamp
Technical University of Munich | 2022
Georgia Institute of Technology | 2017
M. +4917632120070
Other. +16308095148

Attachment: code timeout.PNG
Description: PNG image

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